IMCA with name worldsailing IRSA Logo

A Foundation Executive has been formed to steer the formation of the new IMCA international association, which is currently a class association within the International Radio Sailing Association (IRSA). This is a positive step forward for the Marblehead Class in that it will be able to more specifically focus on the needs and promotion of the Marblehead Class throughout the world. The Foundation Executive is a group of experienced competitors and administrators in the Radio Controlled sport and will be remaining in place only through 2020 to start it all up and then will call for a General Assembly with executive elections where the Members will take responsibility. The formation of the IMCA will in no way alter or change the process of the coming 2020 WC.

The modern ‘M’ class yacht is a ‘high-tech’ racer, sporting up to 6 measured rigs with trends of profiled rotating masts, unstayed carbon rigs, pocket luff mainsails, pre-preg carbon hulls and fins offering a wide scope for design freedom. At only 1290mm in overall length, the restricted development class rules allow both the professional or amateur designer/builder/sailmaker an attractive avenue to test their knowledge and skills in one of the most exhilarating radio yacht classes in the world.